Thursday, September 17, 2009
eau de parfum spray
RM 204.25 - 50ml / RM275.50 - 100ml
eau de toilette spray
RM 184.50 - 50ml / RM 238.50 - 100ml
Hoo..I was almost buy one of these parfume yesterday when in SASA Shop at IOI Mall.
(Just fill-in a simple form and vote for their Fragance Fair Award and you will get RM20 rebate when you buy any of the 21 participating parfumes at Fragance fair Award..
I like the DKNY Pink soooo much but end up I didn't buy it because I got to control my money for the Taiwan trip on December this year. Sigh~nevermind la! The Taiwan trip is my first priority now.
Maybe i will see it again at airport duty free shop (when back from taiwan) :-p
Monday, September 7, 2009
college best friend
Although we are to understand each other, this is also why we have between the conflict and all sorts of unhappy things happen. Even before graduation have been reduced on conversation, thus we did not meet again after graduation. This few years I just know her through other peoples and recently I found her photos on Facebook only.
Tonight I will see her and I just knew that we were arranged at the same table. This is a good opportunity for me to find back our relationship previously. She knew we were arranged in the same table? She will want to see me? What is her feeling? She got same thinking with me?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Should I leave?
I've been working in this company for bout three year. This is my first job after graduation.
Still remembered when I was looking for job, I went for few interviews and end up choosing this company because they could offer the figure that i requested, and the boss (also the interviewer) looks like a kind hearted boss, and the most attractive is the overseas business travel..
Over the years, I've been travelling to Indonesia (Incl. Jakarta, Surabaya & Bandung), Manila, Singapore, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh & Hanoi for overseas exhibitions/ events. It is very exciting and a very good experience because i can see a lot of different things and meet different kind of people through my job. Im grateful to the company for giving me this good opportunity.
However, I started feel bored and felt it was time to go for a new environment.
Should I leave by this year?
骨痛热症是由蚊子传染滤过性的毒菌所引起的。骨痛热症是 一种严重、似感冒的病症。它能侵袭婴儿,少年儿童及成年人,但很少导致死亡。骨痛热症(登革热)大致上可分两大类:一类为骨痛溢血 热症(DHF),另一类为骨痛休克综合症 (DSS)。
骨痛热(登革热)症是通过受感染的雌性伊 蚊,把滤过性病毒传染给人类。一般上当其他蚊子吸到这些感染滤过性病毒患者的血时,便感染这种病毒,而蚊子再到处叮人,便把病菌传 播给其他人。骨痛热症的滤过性病毒能潜伏在人体内3-14天不等(平均常见的是4-6天)。患者通常会经历突发性的高烧及变化复杂而又不 明确的迹象和症状。
骨痛热症的迹象和症状因患者的年龄而异。 婴儿及年幼的儿童婴儿及幼童受病毒感染后会发高烧和出现红疹。少年及成年人少年及成年人受病毒感染后会 发烧,偶尔有突发性的高烧,严重的头痛,眼球后方感到疼痛,肌肉和关节疼痛,并出现红疹。骨痛溢血热(DHF)与骨痛休克综合症(DSS)之间的差异骨痛溢血热症(DHF)与骨痛休克综合症 (DSS)的特点是:最初病发时都会突然发高烧,烧度可达摄氏40-41度(40 - 41C ),并持续2 -7天不退,以及其他变化 复杂而不明确的 迹象和症状。当骨痛热症在急性的病发期,很难区分患者的骨痛热症是属骨痛溢血热症(DHF)或者骨痛休克综合症(DSS)还是由其他病毒 所引起的疾病。当骨痛热症进入危急阶段之前的24小时和之后的24小时,不论骨痛溢血热症 (DHF)或者骨痛休克综合症(DSS)都会重复出 现体温恢复正常或比正常体温还 低的水平。
大致上,患者在7天内病况严重,接下来的 几个星期则会感觉到极度虚弱。当病患者发病的第3和第8天期间,通常血小板的含量少于10万/立方毫米。骨痛溢血热症(DHF)会引起发 烧,咳嗽,头痛,呕吐和腹痛等。这些都会持续2-4天不等。有时候可能出现血凝固问题,甚至导致内出血,及死亡。如果骨痛溢血热症没 有适当的治疗,也可能引发骨痛休克综合症(DSS)。患上严重的骨痛溢血热症(DHF)或骨痛休克综合症(DSS)的住院病人,最初的数天 内病人会发烧及出现不明显的迹象和症状等反应,随之病人的病情会突然地恶化。起初病人会昏睡,之后演变成烦躁不安宁,以及迅速进入 危急状况,甚至休克。 骨痛溢血热症(DHF)或骨痛休克综合症(DSS)通常是在病人恢复正常体温或以下的24小时后,进入危急的状况。在 这期间,会显示出血现象及血液循环系统发生故障的迹象。出血的现象,一般包括:皮下出血(如:瘀斑和紫癜),齿龈出血,鼻孔出血以 及肠胃道出血和月经大量出血。当病人休克之前,通常会经历剧烈的腹痛。病症潜伏期(介于被蚊子叮后与出现发作的症状之间的时期) 骨痛热症或骨痛溢血热症的病毒可能存在体内潜伏3-14天之 间。一般上、大多数的病例从酝酿到发作的潜伏期平均是介于4-6天之间。 被病毒感染的病患者、在病发之前是否会把病毒传染给其他人? 骨痛热症的病毒多数属于无感染性的病毒,它不会 通过人与人之间的沟通接触而互相传播感染。
通过血液化验隔离骨痛热症的 病毒或侦查血清内是否含特殊的抗体(血清化验)来诊断病情。一旦病情发作,应该尽早为病人采取血液样本作病毒抗体检验。有必要的 话,2-3星期之后应再抽血作一次检验。市场上有一些以专一的血清样本化验为基础的快速商业化服务设备。但是,它们可能不比传统的血 清化验来得准确。
目前还没有抗滤过性病 原体的药物可以治疗骨痛热症。治疗在很大的程度上是靠控制症状和避免严重骨痛溢血热症(DHF)或骨痛休克综合症(DSS)所产生的并发 症。及早控制病情有赖于每日密切的监视患者的血小板含量,在必要时能及时为患者补充液体,以及输血矫正血小板成份的不足。 如果您怀疑自己患上骨痛热症,请教您的家庭医生或到最近的医院急诊处就医。及早发现疾病和接受治疗能保住您的性命。如果您的症状令医生怀疑您患上骨痛溢血热症,您会马上被送入医院治疗。您的血压和血细胞计数会被密切的监视。
受感染的个别部位将不会直接传染其他部位。然而、如果患者在最初感染骨痛热症 发烧的期间被蚊子叮了,那这只蚊子便可能感染到骨痛热症,同时、当它再叮人吸血 时,也把病毒传播给其他人。
曾经感染过骨痛热症的 人是否会再感染到骨痛热症?
骨痛热症的病毒有4种菌株。感染到其中 一种菌株并不能提供对其他相对的菌株的长期预防的作用。证据也显示曾感染过其他菌株的病患者,再感染骨痛溢血热症(DHF)/ 骨痛休克 综合症(DSS)的危险性比较高。
最佳的预防方法是避免被 伊蚊叮到。传播骨痛热症的蚊子通常是在住家附近或屋内繁殖。凡是有停滞的水的地方都是蚊子繁殖的温床,如:盒子,罐子,花盆等。
那 些带有骨痛热病菌的旅客,到我国旅游时会把病毒引进来。而国人到那些有骨痛热病毒的感染区域旅行时,也可能感染到病毒。 避免被蚊子 叮着,最明智的做法就是避免到骨痛热病毒感染性高的危险区域。防范的方法包括:选择有蚊帐或有冷气的房间,喷杀虫剂杀除屋内的蚊 子, 以及喷洒含有二乙基的甲苯酰胺的驱虫剂。当您需要到一个病毒感染性高的国家时,应事先查询当地的流行性疾病,做好一切防范的工作。
到目前为止,市场上还没有安全和有效的疫苗,可以对抗骨痛热症的病毒。因 此、这些对生 命造成威胁的疾病,必须做足防范措施,以免被蚊子叮着而感染到病毒。
住家内外应保持 卫生清洁。有系统的例行视察周围,防止伊蚊在住家和住家周围滋生。公众也可以喷洒杀虫剂和在花盆内放置小石粒,阻止蚊子在水中产 卵。 私人住宅者,应该时常检查和修补屋顶有缺陷的排水系统,以及喷洒有防蚊虫作用的油漆,和注意园内的花盆托盘内是否积水。
还好,在难挨的医院挨到了第六天,医生说我next day就能够出院了!当时的我开心到。。。真想大声尖叫!
从黄金海岸回来后第二天早上,也就是第三个礼拜,我又飞去曼谷公干了。 开心旅行后第二天又要飞出国,而且还是公干,那种心情真是难以形容
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Twinkle is gone..
He was an active and naughty boy, his weight is just like a female's body weight - 48kg and his name is Twinkle.
The first time I met him was four years ago, he barked at me because I was a stranger to him. I laughed when i was told that his name is "Twinkle" because his was big but with such a cute name.
At first, we used to bring him for evening walk, but its also only that few times, the main reason was because he would bark at us all the time if we brought him out. He became naughtier if we "too friend" with him. Even though he was very naughty, but i still like to say goodbye to him before I leave for work :)
Last week, he got sick. The servant said he got food poisoning. His body became weaker and he didn't even have the energy to walk.We brought him to the vet, he was being laid on the "bed" and given glucose drip. When he was back, we were hoping he would get well but he still looked weak and refused to eat and drink.
I cried and even dreamt of Twinkle on Sunday night. I dreamt that he recoved and even played with me...
Yesterday night, It was the last time I've spoken to him and petted him. He still refused to drink water and eat. We were so worried about him but we were helpless.
This morning, I saw him laying motionless and stiff on the floor. At that moment my heart just fell apart. I was stunned and cried again.. He passed away...
I wished that I could bring him for a walk again but now I couldn't already.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Please settle your loan for PTPTN
CLOSE to 78,000 National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loan recipients have been barred from leaving the country, reported Kosmo!
PTPTN chief executive officer Yunos Abd Ghani said these people had not settled their loans totalling RM1bil. They also had not responded to notices issued by the body.
He advised borrowers to check their status at the PTPTN and Immigration Department’s websites.
Yunos was responding to the Immigration Department’s recent statement that 300,000 citizens, including PTPTN loan recipients, had been barred from going abroad.
Actually I alm also one of the PTPTN borrower, but i start paying back the loan since January 2009 (after received two warning letter from lawyer firm last year).
I was shocked when i got this news from my dad, because I travel quite often due to my job.
Aftr checking with PTPTN website, luckily I found that I am not in their black list. Huu...takut nya
If you are PTPTN loan borrower, please go and check yourself whether is blacklisted or not! Otherwise you will have the problem for oversea trip!
Just go and check with your ic number!